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Classifying living things

The adjustment involved incorporating a lesson of classifying living things to illustrate decision trees, crafted for ESL, bilingual, and regular students to comprehend decision trees in AI. This adaptation aimed to offer students with various language proficiencies and learning styles an accessible means to grasp decision-making processes, promoting inclusivity and enthusiasm for decision trees concepts.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 2.4 Generate a Story

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications to the lesson 0.2 Algorithms as Opinions.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications to the lesson 0.3 Ethical Matrix.

Decision Trees - Alien Gathering

Alien Gathering is a modification of the lesson plan 0.4 Decision Trees. In this lesson students begin with an activity in which a decision tree is made for a "Family" of aliens. This activity is intended to be used in one of two ways. It can be used as a substitute for the activity "Pastaland" or as an additional lesson activity used prior to the "Pastaland" activity.

Neural Network Escape Room

Students will create an escape room on google slides that teaches neural networks. (To be done after teaching the Neural Network lesson)

I am from poem

This lesson student will create an “I am from Poem”. This is an introduction lesson to get to know your students and to start building relationships. Building positive relationships is the foundation for motivating students to want to learn. It shows students that respect their opinions and interests.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 2.2 How do GANs work?

How do GANS Work (modified with cats and dogs)

I changed the rooster fighting to be more appropriate (with cats and dogs). A lot of students don’t understand rooster fighting, and I believe it is illegal in the US. Many students know that dogs and can’t don’t get along. They can still grasp what a generator and a discriminator do. I also changed the artist to Da Vinci

Is it for Winter? (modified)

Is it for winter was modified by increasing the number of discussion questions about different climates around the US. I included how some systems could be biased depending on where the AI system was trained.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 3.5 Redesign Youtube.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 3.4 Environmental Impact of AI.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 3.3 Spread of Misinformation.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 3.1 Unanticipated Consequences of AI.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 2.3 AI Generated Art.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 1.2 Neural Networks

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 1.1 Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 0.6 Career Daydream.

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