Ethical Matrix Lesson (modified)

Summary of Teacher Modifications

This revised version of the Ethical Matrix includes a review of key terms to support students with disabilities and English Language Learners (ELL).

An "I do, we do, you do" was added to help students relate to the content with examples from their personal lives and to reinforce for students with learning disabilities and ELL students.

An optional extension was added where students can apply the ethical matrix to an issue in their community, to further make it relevant to their personal lives.

The "You Do" allows for students to socialize in small groups, which is Culturally and Linguistically Responsive (CLR) as many cultures are more socially oriented than 'formal academic culture' allows and research shows adolescents learn a great deal from speaking with each other in class. It also provides more 'voice' and 'thinking time' for each scholar, as opposed to a situation where a teacher only calls on one or two students and everyone else is quiet.

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