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Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 1.5 Planting the Seed of STEM Jobs

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 2.5 AI's Impact on my Future Job

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 2.4 Generate a Story

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications to the lesson 0.2 Algorithms as Opinions.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications to the lesson 0.3 Ethical Matrix.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 2.2 How do GANs work?

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 3.5 Redesign Youtube.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 3.4 Environmental Impact of AI.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 3.3 Spread of Misinformation.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 3.1 Unanticipated Consequences of AI.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 2.3 AI Generated Art.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 1.2 Neural Networks

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 1.1 Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 0.6 Career Daydream.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 0.5 Investigating Bias.

Teacher Modifications

Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications to 0.4 Decision Tree activity, "Pasta Land"

Additional Generative AI Tools

This spreadsheet is a collection of different generative AI tools you might want to have your students explore or to use for demos with your students.

If you can't find what you're looking for, send us a comment about what you were expecting to find.