Culturally Sensitive Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning - Is it Frankenstein?


The Lesson 1.1, Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning, was modified with the addition of images to be printed for use as training and testing data for the webcam portion of activity #1 of the lesson.  These images were added to the lesson so that students who are uncomfortable with having their personal images captured by a webcam can still participate in the activity.  Many middle school students seem to be reluctant to view themselves in the webcam.  In addition, some Native American students may be wary of cameras due to a cultural belief that the process of “taking” a picture could result in a person’s soul being stolen. To some tribal elders it is considered disrespectful to the spiritual world.  The training and testing images added to the lesson allow students to still participate in the webcam portion of activity 1 and to move through the process of inputting a dataset, training a learning algorithm, and seeing the predictions made by the AI tool they create.  The images selected for use also meet one of the learning objectives of the lesson, which is to introduce ways that datasets can be biased. The new images introduce potential issues associated with biased data that inadequately represents the things being classified, creating opportunities for discussion and lesson extensions. These modifications are especially relevant to teachers working with Native students in their classrooms.

Time: 20-30 minutes.

Prep: Print copies of the CRP Data and Testing images found in the CRP Images Folder in the Teaching Resources.

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