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0.2 Algorithms as Opinions Lesson

This lesson introduces students to what an algorithm is, using the making of peanut butter jelly sandwiches as an example. Students will learn that an algorithm is like a recipe and that different people tend to prefer different algorithms based on their varied interests and goals.

Unit 2: Creative AI

This unit focuses on how AI is used to create and generate content, including text and images. It discusses GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) and AI's impact on future jobs.

Unit 1: AI Concepts

This unit introduces many of the basic concepts of AI, including supervised machine learning, neural networks, classifying AI vs. Generating AI, and starts to introduce students to thinking about careers in AI.

Algorithms as Opinions Lesson

This lesson introduces students to what an algorithm is, using the making of peanut butter jelly sandwiches as an example. Students will learn that an algorithm is like a recipe and that different people tend to prefer different algorithms based on their varied interests and goals.

Unit 0: Introduction to AI

Most types of AI comprise three parts - a dataset, a learning algorithm, and a prediction - each of which can be influenced by different types of bias (such as algorithmic bias) to prioritize the values of some stakeholders over others.

0.1 What is AI? Lesson

This lesson introduces students to what AI is and what it is not. They will learn about three basic components of most types of AI.

Explore AI Journal Activity

A self-guided collection of AI-based activities. This activity is designed to introduce students to a variety of ways that AI tools can be used.

AI or Not? Activity

A sorting activity in which students sort pictures of contemporary technology into two groups: technology with AI and technology without AI. The activity is designed to get students thinking about the three parts of ML (dataset, learning algorithm, prediction) as a tool for determining whether the technology in their everyday life uses AI or not.

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