Algorithms as Opinions Lesson

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Lesson Overview

This lesson introduces students to what an algorithm is, using the making of peanut butter jelly sandwiches as an example. Students will learn that an algorithm is like a recipe and that different people tend to prefer different algorithms based on their varied interests and goals.

Summary Videos: Part 1, Part 2

Total Lesson Time: 50 min

Learning Objectives: Students will be able to… 

  • Write a simple algorithm
  • Create a list of goals for an algorithm
  • Create a list of stakeholders for an algorithm


  1. Opening (2 min)
  2. Intro. to new material & guided practice (8 min)
  3. Best PB+J Activity (10 min)
  4. Mid-workshop Mini-Lesson (10 min)
  5. Turn & Talk (10 min)
  6. Wrap-Up + Exit Ticket (10 min)


Planning Guide

Preparation Needed: 15-20 min


  • Printed activity worksheet and exit ticket
  • (optional) chart paper and markers

Prep Needed for Teaching In-Person:

  • Print the Best PB&J activity worksheets and Exit Ticket (one for each student)
  • (optional) Distribute chart paper and markers for students to use individually (or in pairs)

Vocabulary Terms: optimize

Key Points: Emphasize these points to meet the learning objectives

  • The term “best” (in the Best PB&J) could mean a lot of different things. “Best” is a subjective value.
  • The work to design an algorithm to meet one value over another is called optimize.
  • Computer algorithms optimize for various values and goals.



Teacher Resources:

Student Materials:


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