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Career Interview

This Career Interview activity is an extension of 1.5 Planting the Seed of STEM Jobs. Students, Our Young Professionals, are asked to interview a professional who they admire. The goal is to gain insight (inside info) into the planning, education journey and future prospects of a career of interest.

Career Exploration and Impacts of AI Lesson plan with print Worksheet and Google Form Exit Ticket

Career Exploration and Impacts of AI for post secondary training, 2 year and 4 year degrees. Emphasis on continuing training or traditional education in STEAM careers whether it be an apprenticeship, certificate program, 2 year college, 4 year university or beyond. Emphasis on AI impacts in all fields. Combined Inventory of Me, AI’s Impact, and Roadmap to My Dream Job into a WS (2-3 day portfolio-like). They fill it in along with slides as they go.

Investigating Bias including Immigration Facial Recognition Apps

Added in an example of facial recognition bias for asylum seekers. This change was designed for my students, part of who herald from immigrant families and who have darker skin colors. Immigration is a very important topic so adding this slide adds to the relevance of their lives and will help them internalize the information. This change is relevant for teachers that teach in states close to national borders and communities with large immigrant populations.

Best Quesadilla

I changed the food to be more culturally relevant to our school and our New Mexican culture. Instead of designing an algorithm for the best PB&J, this lesson tasks students with planning the best quesadilla. Our school population is majority Hispanic students who live in Albuquerque and mostly come from the South Valley. They will have more of a connection to quesadillas than to PB&J sandwiches. Optimizing a quesadilla algorithm for stakeholders may be more relevant to their culture and family.

Quesadilla Ethical Matrix

For this lesson I changed the food listed to quesadillas (building on the previous lesson, Algorithms as Opinions), I also added a formative assessment to better help students connect to stakeholders in their lives and communities. Students who participate in the previous lesson (Algorithms as Opinions) will be able to carry it forward into a real-world connection by thinking about their out-of-school activity, the relevant stakeholders and their values.

Best Bocadillo

Making the best sandwich instead of PB & J for those who have not experienced PB & J. The reason I made this change is because there is a large Hispanic population in my area who do not make sandwiches with peanut butter and jelly and so a sandwich in general is more relevant to students of diverse populations such as Latinx, Asian, etc.

Ethical Matrix Lesson for Food Deserts

High school (HS)Students: Use ‘Teen’ instead of ‘Child’ Added ‘Store’ instead of ‘Doctor’ Teachers can talk with their students about topics relevant to their lives like: a)workers in the store; b)food available in local stores; c)accessibility of local stores; d) impact on people, supplies, and accessibility of stores

Generate A Story

Adust lesson to authors to reflect their areas/regions/states. This modification was designed to build Culturally Relevant elements into the AI curriculum.

Decision Trees - Alien Gathering

Alien Gathering is a modification of the lesson plan 0.4 Decision Trees. In this lesson students begin with an activity in which a decision tree is made for a "Family" of aliens. This activity is intended to be used in one of two ways. It can be used as a substitute for the activity "Pastaland" or as an additional lesson activity used prior to the "Pastaland" activity.

Neural Networks in Medical Diagnosis?

This is an extension to the Neural Networks Game Activity that specifically focuses on the possibility of using virtual Neural Networks to diagnose medical issues.

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