Career Interview


This Career Interview activity is an extension of 1.5 Planting the Seed of STEM Jobs. Students, Our Young Professionals, are asked to interview a professional who they admire. The goal is to gain insight (inside info) into the planning, education journey and future prospects of a career of interest. And to make a career more alive and real, not just in a book or video.

Career interview questions and letter to Parent/Guardian are provided as a starting point and can be adapted as needed.

Parent/Guardians asked to attend, or supervise interview. Can be over phone or virtual meeting platform. Schedule of meeting should also be approved by Parent/Guardian.


5 min. = to discuss who to interview, listing potential professionals; ideas can be provided by teacher and school staff.

5 min. = to communicate with professional and request possible time, date, location/format of an interview. 

5 min. = prep of questions to ask.

15-20 min. = actual interview time; Will you ask permission to audio record for future reference in reporting discovery of career?

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