Evidence Cards for Socratic Seminar on Environmental Impact of AI


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In Chapter 4 of Amplify’s Matter and Energy in Ecosystems Unit, there is a science seminar that has students analyze evidence cards on why deforestation leads to an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

In alignment with this format and NGSS standard MS-ESS3-5, evidence cards can also be created around whether the potential benefits of using AI to combat climate change outweigh its costs and be used as an extension discussion topic for a Socratic Seminar discussing the question: Does using artificial intelligence have an overall positive or negative impact on global warming?

  • Claim 1: The benefits of using AI to combat climate change outweigh the costs
  • Claim 2: The environmental costs of using AI outweigh its benefits

Some teacher tips:

  • Have students spend independent time analyzing the evidence cards first
  • If your students are more advanced with independent research, have them create their own evidence cards to share with the group
  • Establish norms (they can be the default Amplify ones) for Socratic Seminar before starting.


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