Connecting Teachable Machines with Experimental Design


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This worksheet was designed as a way to leverage Teachable Machines as a way to review experimental variables for end-of-year science fair projects, so it assumes some student familiarity with experimental design.

It was designed to be used after students have experienced making the dogs/cats classifier on Teachable Machines. It can be used the next day to both review the process students followed the prior day, and then to make connections between what they did and experimental design. The comments added on the side show possible directions you can guide students for the connection questions. The last task is for students to design an experiment using the investigation design diagram graphic organizer. In the comments for that page, there is an example as a guide.

The reflection and connection questions can also potentially be modified to any DAILy activity that involves tinkering with some variable that changes a resulting variable, not just Teachable Machines.


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