AI Investigation Activity

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Activity Overview

After a review of concepts of bias and classification systems, students look at examples of AI and identify bias in them, including:

  • Google image search results for “physicist”.  
  • Google translate “she is a doctor, he is a nurse” from English to Hungarian and back to English. 
  • Explore QuickDraw’s database of faces.
  • Google image search results for “outdoor recreation”

Total Activity Time: 10 minutes


  • AI Investigation in Person Worksheet
  • AI Investigation Online Worksheet


  • Print the AI Investigation In-Person Worksheet

Options for Differentiation

  • Assign partners or small heterogeneous ability groups of 3-4 for “AI Investigation” activity to conduct the same investigation.
  • Adjust the language in the “AI Investigation” form (online or in person) to maintain the meaning of the question but change the language to make it more accessible for students.
  • Have some students complete multiple investigations, and have others complete just one investigation as appropriate to their needs and readiness.
  • Remind students that, if they finish early, they can continue to work on their “Explore AI Journal”, which students can work on as an ongoing project.

Explore AI Journal Activity

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