My Future Job Roadmap Activity

Activity Overview

In this activity, students take time to complete their own career roadmaps, answering questions, exploring the Job Interest website and watching videos of AI’s role in different careers. If a student finishes earlier, they can move ahead and start another roadmap for a different job interest. 

Total Activity Time: 20 minutes


  • My Future Job Roadmap Worksheet
  • My Future Job Roadmap (whole class slide deck)
  • Job Interests Scavenger Hunt Worksheet
  • Job Interests Scavenger Hunt (whole class slide deck)


Options for Differentiation

  • Instead of presenting the whole roadmap and then giving the time to complete it individually, walk students through each of the parts of the roadmap, pausing at each question to have them fill out the answers while following along the slides.  
  • Require students to fill out at least two career roadmaps for jobs in different job zones. Ask them to reflect on the differences between the two careers’ education and skill requirements.
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