Prediction Matching Activity

Resource type

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Project name

Activity Overview

This activity introduced students to data classification and prediction, by having students play a game (hands-on or using Nearpod) to predict whether pieces of technology use AI or not.  It is an introduction to the first Teachable Machine Activity (Thumbs-up/Thumbs-Down).  

Total Activity Time:  5 minutes

Prep for in-person:

  • Print the Prediction Matching (cut out and sort) materials

Prep for online:

Create a Nearpod account for the Prediction Matching activity (scroll to page 5)

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Options for Differentiation

  • Assign partners or small heterogeneous ability groups of 3-4 for all “Teachable Machine” activities. Design groups so they can stay the same throughout all activities.
  • Form a small pull-out group to work closely with a teacher as they complete the activity together. This teacher can plan on reading all directions and walking the students each step of all three activities (Make sure this teacher is available for all three lessons).
  • Remind students that, if they finish early, they can continue to work on their “Explore AI Journal”, which students can work on as an ongoing project.


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