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Career Exploration and Impacts of AI Lesson plan with print Worksheet and Google Form Exit Ticket

Career Exploration and Impacts of AI for post secondary training, 2 year and 4 year degrees. Emphasis on continuing training or traditional education in STEAM careers whether it be an apprenticeship, certificate program, 2 year college, 4 year university or beyond. Emphasis on AI impacts in all fields. Combined Inventory of Me, AI’s Impact, and Roadmap to My Dream Job into a WS (2-3 day portfolio-like). They fill it in along with slides as they go.

Generate A Story

Adust lesson to authors to reflect their areas/regions/states. This modification was designed to build Culturally Relevant elements into the AI curriculum.

I am from poem

This lesson student will create an “I am from Poem”. This is an introduction lesson to get to know your students and to start building relationships. Building positive relationships is the foundation for motivating students to want to learn. It shows students that respect their opinions and interests.

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