DAILy Curriculum


Jump to the Units:   0. Intro to AI   1. AI Concepts    2. Creative AI    3. Society + AI


Why DAILy?

Everyone will be impacted by Artificial Intelligence (AI) in daily life and in the workplaces of the future. It is critical for all students to have fundamental knowledge of AI and to understand AI's potential for good and harm. The Developing AI Literacy (DAILy) Curriculum will jumpstart your and your students’ readiness for AI and give you the tools you need to prepare your students for the AI-enabled world.

About the Curriculum

The DAILy Curriculum, designed by MIT researchers and educators with experienced facilitators, features hands-on and computer-based activities on AI concepts, ethical issues in AI, creative expression using AI, and how AI relates to students’ future. Students will experience training and using machine learning to make predictions, investigate bias in machine learning applications, use generative adversarial networks to create novel works of art, and learn to recognize the AI you interact with daily and in the world around you.

Curriculum Details

The curriculum includes a collection of 22 lessons with activities, assessments, resources, and materials to assist educators in teaching middle school students (approximately grades 5-8) about AI. The curriculum is modular and can be implemented periodically (woven into your other course content) or sequentially as a single unit on the AI that we live with and experience everyday. In total, the curriculum takes approximately 32 hours to implement. Each lesson is 45-50 minutes, with roughly 15-20 min of prep for teachers who have not implemented the lesson before.

The activities that make-up this curriculum were developed at the MIT STEP Lab and MIT Media Lab to meet a growing need for teachers to use pedagogy and practices designed to help students understand artificial intelligence, its impact on society, and how they might shape the future of AI.

Explore the DAILy Curriculum Units