Deepfakes Activity

Activity Overview

In Day 1, students try to identify deepfakes from slides.  Following additional instruction, on Day 2 students now see if they are better able to identify other deepfakes.  

Total Activity Time:  Day 1-15 minutes, Day 2-20 minutes


Print the selected pre- and post-test forms (4 or 9 questions)

Options for Differentiation

  • Give students more 1:1 help or time to discuss. Assign partners for Spotting Deepfakes activity (Parts 1 and 2). This will disrupt your ability to assess individual learning of the strategies for identifying deepfakes, but that might not be your goal. 
  • Give your students more time. Assign (as appropriate) Spotting Deepfakes pre and posttests with only 4 questions (not 9). These are called Spotting Deepfakes Pretest - 4 Questions and Spotting Deepfakes Posttest - 4 Questions
  • Give more structure and structured discussion. Complete the Spotting Deepfakes activity (Parts 1 and 2) as a whole class. If you don’t give them the answers during these discussions, your assessments can still reflect individual learning.
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