PSA on Spread of Misinformation


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This extension activity is to create a student designed public service announcement (PSA) about the spread of misinformation for students' families and/or communities. The PSA should include information that the student learned from the DAILy lessons, but the information should be tailored to be meaningful and accessible to a specific audience (chosen by the student) from the student's community.

The “PSA” should be done after the Misinformation lesson. The PSA is directly related to these lesson and teachers should draw connections between this activity and students' experiences of these lessons


This PSA activity is designed to get students to discuss relevant issues in their daily lives and connect to what is important to them as individuals and members of society. This activity allows students to really and truthfully talk about what they are passionate about. Again this is to form relationships and get to know your students. It is designed for all students of any age.


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