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Career Exploration and Impacts of AI Lesson plan with print Worksheet and Google Form Exit Ticket

Career Exploration and Impacts of AI for post secondary training, 2 year and 4 year degrees. Emphasis on continuing training or traditional education in STEAM careers whether it be an apprenticeship, certificate program, 2 year college, 4 year university or beyond. Emphasis on AI impacts in all fields. Combined Inventory of Me, AI’s Impact, and Roadmap to My Dream Job into a WS (2-3 day portfolio-like). They fill it in along with slides as they go.

Decision Trees - Alien Gathering

Alien Gathering is a modification of the lesson plan 0.4 Decision Trees. In this lesson students begin with an activity in which a decision tree is made for a "Family" of aliens. This activity is intended to be used in one of two ways. It can be used as a substitute for the activity "Pastaland" or as an additional lesson activity used prior to the "Pastaland" activity.

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