Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 1.5 Planting the Seed of STEM Jobs
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 2.5 AI's Impact on my Future Job
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 2.4 Generate a Story
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications to the lesson 0.2 Algorithms as Opinions.
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications to the lesson 0.3 Ethical Matrix.
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 2.2 How do GANs work?
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 3.5 Redesign Youtube.
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 3.4 Environmental Impact of AI.
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 3.3 Spread of Misinformation.
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 3.1 Unanticipated Consequences of AI.
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 2.3 AI Generated Art.
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 1.2 Neural Networks
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 1.1 Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning.
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 0.6 Career Daydream.
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications the lesson 0.5 Investigating Bias.
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications to lesson 0.4 Decision Trees.
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications to 0.4 Decision Tree activity, "Pasta Land"
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications to lessons 0.4 Decision Trees
Teacher Modifications Here you can find a collection of teacher made modifications to the lesson 0.1 What is AI?
Additional Generative AI Tools This spreadsheet is a collection of different generative AI tools you might want to have your students explore or to use for demos with your students.