Everyday AI Facilitator Guide

What is the EdAI Facilitator Guide? 

This document is a guide for facilitators leading versions of the Everyday AI (EdAI) teacher professional development (PD) experience. It is also for anyone thinking about or interested in teacher PD for artificial intelligence (AI) literacy. 

  • Please do not think of these materials as answer keys, scripts, or directives. 
  • Please do use the resources here as tips, hints, or suggestions to inform your way of knowing, being and doing. For example, knowing your teachers, being present during the PD, and doing the activities with your teachers. 

Specific examples are provided to guide your thinking and planning, but these are guidelines and should not be used as directives. PDs can and should differ from each other so as to be attuned to the needs of the learning needs of the teachers in attendance.

Why do we need this guide?

With this guide, the EdAI PD makes AI literacy accessible to everyone. Specifically, it guides those who aim to prepare middle school teachers to advance AI literacy using the Developing AI Literacy (DAILy) Curriculum. In the DAILy curriculum and EdAI PD, prior knowledge of AI is not assumed, nor is it assumed that readers have a common background in education theory. For all of these reasons, this guide aims to be accessible to all educators by being explicit about the pedagogy, practices, and content facilitators can use to support teacher learning. The following is what we hope all EdAI facilitators know before starting.

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